ownpath: Design Management & Leadership Program


ownpath’s Design Management & Leadership program is specifically designed to help designers develop the required skills, so they can grow to becoming successful design managers and leaders.


ownpath’s Design Management & Leadership program is designed to avoid common pitfalls that organizations and designers face, and help ensure that the transition is as smooth and productive as possible. With the help of this program, Gojek is currently transitioning 11 senior designers to becoming design managers.

Management, like any other skill, is best learned through study, experience, and reflection. Books and video-based courses are great as references. But, it’s only when a prospective manager carries out plans, observes consequences, and gets specific feedback and guidance, does the manager grow.

With this in mind, we have designed ownpath’s program to help designers with relevant frameworks, interactive case discussions with industry leaders, and coaching from experienced design managers. The program is contextualized to the designer’s work environment, so they actually apply what they’re learning in the workplace.

Program Plan

Module 1: Introduction to Design Management

Learners will be able to:

  1. Recognize the differences between individual contribution and management
  2. Self-assess work styles of themselves and team members
  3. Coordinate and delegate tasks and design choices at the correct level
  4. Express the organization’s shared sense of purpose

Module 2: Communication for Managers

Learners will be able to:

  1. Practice active listening with team members